Updates and other messages from

Simplifying how you can share statuses with friends and followers

We are introducing a new and simplified way to post statuses. No complicated methods, just go to post the status page, type out a status, add a photo you want and click post!
Simplifying how you can share statuses with friends and followers


We have greatly simplified how you are posting status messages. We talked to a lot of users and learned about how we can simplify the whole nine yards of posting statuses. We received feedback that the steps are complicated and don't help to post status messages easily. We listened to you and we have reduced the complexity involved in posting a status.

If you take a look at our current page, you can see that it is cluttered and complicated. First, we wanted to get rid of all the blue alert boxes that were taking the focus away from the most important thing: status. And we wanted to organize the inputs in such a way that positively simulates how the common users' brain works. We also understood that most of the fields that are rarely used must be hidden and only visible to power users. We changed all these and have gotten a very simple and effective way to post statuses.

Current UI

Let's take a look at our current UI.

You can visibly see that the UI is cluttered and complicated for most users to understand. Too many distractions and too many unwanted user inputs. We took cognizance of this after doing user research studies and understood the following:

  1. UI is more suited for power users and not the common user.
  2. Focus shifts rapidly between different elements.
  3. UI inputs are not suitable for repeated usage.

Improved new UI

Let's take a look at the new UI:

You can see and observe the following:

  1. The user has to add only input: status. The rest are all by default filled and doesn't need any more inputs.
  2. It is much more clearer and intuitive to the user.
  3. UI has become much more useful for the common user and there's a hidden controller that helps the power users as well.
  4. Focus from the eyeballs has been streamlined which means that the eyes follow the traditional F pattern.
  5. Repeated usage of the page has seen decreasing time taken to post statuses.

We hope that you enjoy this new UI and if there are any improvements that you would like, please email them to